How To Find Instagram Influencers for Your Brand

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The best social platform to promote and market certain products like CBD, weight loss, nutritional supplements or vape products is Instagram. And when it comes to influencer marketing, Instagram is the platform of choice for brands and influencers to work together to promote your product.

As you know, it is difficult to advertise products like CBD on Facebook and Google. So in addition to a strong SEO campaign, the other key component is an active influencer campaign. A recent poll by showed that 78% of influencers on social media favored Instagram for their partnerships with leading brands.

So how can you maximize your efforts with Instagram influencers to become profitable? It’s important to make sure that your brand aligns with the right type of influencers and that they have the right type of engagement with their followers.

When you partner with the right Instagram influencer, you’ll see not only positive and true engagement on their posts for your brand – it will turn followers into repeat customers.

How can you achieve this? Follow these three important action steps to match your CBD brand with the right type of Instagram Influencers:

Determine Your Goals

Why do you need influencers to help you promote your CBD brand on Instagram?

To answer this question, you will need to determine what your end goals are for partnering with Instagram Influencers for your CBD brand.

These could be goals such as:

  • Increase awareness for your CBD product line
  • Increase the number of Instagram followers for your CBD brand
  • Drive traffic from Instagram to your website and convert to sales

How will you use those Instagram Influencers to help you achieve those goals?

For example, to increase the number of your Instagram followers, you could create a hashtag related to your CBD brand and use it to promote an Instagram contest or quiz.

Then reach out to your Instagram Influencers to help promote the campaign and hashtag.

To help increase website traffic, brand exposure and sales, signing your Instagram Influencers up for an affiliate program is a way to encourage them to post about your CBD brand, offer discount codes to their followers and earn commissions on the sales from their posts.

In both instances, they help to build brand exposure if you are careful in selecting Instagram Influencers that have followers that align with your CBD brand and customer profile.

CBD Related Hashtags

To help identify the right Instagram Influencers, start by researching hashtags that relate to your CBD brand. Because Instagram requires influencers to use #sponsored or #ad hashtags in any post related to an influencer marketing campaign, this makes it simple to search for potential influencers for your CBD brand.

Think of hashtags as similar to the keywords you use in SEO. For example, if you are promoting CBD for dogs, then searching for hashtags such as #cbddogs (10,071 posts) or #cbdpets (61,255 posts) that would give you a place to start. Then, find the influencers with at least 10k followers with active engagement that align with your brand identity.

Or, you can expand your search to find CBD Instagram influencers on a broader hashtag search, for terms such as #petcare or #pethealth to find potential influencers that are not currently promoting CBD pet products but whose audience would be a great fit for your brand.

And a last option is to use hashtags to find CBD Instagram Influencers that best describe your ideal customer for your brand – i.e. #petowners or #ilovemydog etc.

Using these action steps can help you to fine tune a qualified list of potential CBD Instagram Influencers to reach out to and invite them to join your influencer marketing programs.

The Key Is Real Engagement

Remember – the key to making all of this work is to look at an influencers real engagement with their followers. This KPI (key performance indicator) will give you the information you need to decide if a particular Instagram Influencer is right for your brand.

According to Search Engine Journal “The average engagement rate for an Instagram influencer was around 4.36 percent in 2017, with influencers having less than 1,000 followers registering the highest engagement rate of 8 percent.” And as the number of followers increases, the engagement rate will go down.

But does a popular post translate to sales? That’s why you need to determine the quality of the engagement. A reply to a post such as ‘Great post!’ or ‘Love it’ is usually fake engagement from spam bots. Posts that reflect real engagement would be when followers leave comments that are relevant to the post and are more conversational. They would also be the type of comments that would ask questions about the brand or relate a personal story. Also, real followers will tag their friends in the comments, something spam bots can’t do.

The Final Result

When you partner with CBD Instagram Influencers, who have real engagement with real followers, you will see increased brand exposure, increased engagement and more followers and ultimately increased sales for your CBD brand of products.

But if this all seems to much for you to add to your busy schedule – by all means, reach out to us here at Smaht!
